This Over-The-Top Offer Expires Completely In:

No tricks - no "trial" or anything
...just a solid offer for my friends.
Dear Fellow Business Owner,
Yes. You really ARE getting FOUR complete marketing services for just twenty bucks.
Here's What They'll Do For You...
Position your company as a well-trusted authority
Wow website visitors
Elevate your Brand's image
Elevate your Brand's reputation
Elevate your Brand's overall position in your market
Win trust online
Build Brand trust and product virality on AUTOPILOT
Get More Social Proof
Spread The Word About Your Business
This isn't a "trial" or anything like that and there's no "catch" (except that this expires when the timer hits zero).
We can only fulfill 12 spots per week, and those spots go fast.
If spots are full, just get on our wait list.
Once you're in, you get instant access to members area and our all-American team goes straight to work setting up your program ...
...which includes every one of the full-fledged services on this page.
You don't have to do anything different. There's no big learning curve or a ton of extra work for you to do.
I know, being a business, you're busy. I'm not here to give you extra work.
That's the last thing any of us need.
My goal is to simplify your life, and your business, while getting you great results that make your competition ireful.
This package lays the foundation for your company's POWER POSITIONING in your marketplace so that more of your perfect customers will:
- seek you out,
- happily do business with you,
- stick with you for the long haul,
- and recommend you publicly.
If you want your prospects to know, like, and trust you before they ever even have a chance to buy from you, this is for you.
And if you want to be positioned as the premier person/company of influence in your market, perceived as the highest authority in your field, and become the most sought after person, company, or brand by your perfect target audience, this is for you.
You'll also see exactly how to elevate your image, reputation, and overall position in your market so that you become irresistibly magnetic to your ideal customers.
Think about this for a minute.
Power Positioning makes you irresistibly magnetic to your ideal customers.
I put together the services in this Package specifically to be used together ...
…so the effects of one will simply enhance the effects of the others, therefore making them even more powerful all together.
This $20 Package can almost instantly give you an edge over 99% of your competition (even if they're bigger and more popular than you).
Here's how ...

Service #1: 5-Stars in Five Days!
We'll get you new 5-Star Reviews over the next five days (or more, if needed) by reaching out to your customers on your behalf.
There's no fluff, no messing around, just a rock-solid framework we've used for years to reliably get 5-Star reviews for almost any product or service.
We use our tested and proven email and text message campaigns, customized exactly for your company, to request and get those reviews coming in fast and reliably.
Nothing grows your business like thousands of authentic reviews.
Every positive review is a chance to turn your already happy customers into your FREE marketing team.
Here's some of what's included:
Your amount of 5-Star reviews you have is in direct proportion to the amount of requests you make.
That means the more requests we make, the more we get. And this service is a proven system for getting 5-star reviews FAST.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg because you're also getting ...

Service #2: Social Proof Pop!
This service is really the "secret sauce" when it comes to converting like crazy.
We designed it to "piggy back" off the 5-Stars In Five Days service and getting reviews in general.
It's designed to do one thing and one thing only: Compound the power of every single review you get.
Here's how.
Showing 5-Star Reviews on your website increases conversions up to 270% for smaller priced items, and up to 380% for higher priced items and services.
We HARD CORE marketers have over 10 years of data backing this up.
When people come to your website, there's traditionally only a couple of places for them to find your 5-star reviews, right?
There's the Testimonials Page, which only 1 in 10 people ever visit.
And then maybe there are three or four testimonials somewhere lower on your home page, maybe in a slider, or their own section.
And that's why we created Social Proof Pops.
It's a badge that goes on every page of your website that dynamically streams your latest 5-Star Reviews.
Here's just some of how it increases phone calls, leads, and sales:
Social proof is crucial for building trust and credibility with your consumers and lowering barriers to sales.
I'm literally giving you the exact code for immediate increase in website conversions, no matter what page of your site the visitor goes to.
This popup shows your happy [customers] without being unpleasant or weird or pushy because nobody wants to do that.
Within the next 24 hours, you can prove you’re an expert. The secret is: you already are one. So show it!
Show your visitors that their peers choose to do business with you ...AND LOVE IT!
But naturally we're not stopping there.
You're also getting ...

Service #3: Social Proof Pix!
Social Proof Pix is actually two products in one:
Build brand trust and product virality on AUTOPILOT.
You'll get your 5-Star Reviews turned into beautiful images and we scheduled to post to your social media pages automatically.
You determine the schedule. Seven days a week? Two days a week?
After you buy this Power Positioning Package, you'll let us know your desired frequency and we'll set it up.
Here are just a few of the reasons that sharing these 5-Star Review Images on social media help position you as a Market Leader:
Easy To Read and Build Curiosity
If you want your prospects to know, like, and trust you before they ever even have a chance to buy from you, this is another element that does exactly that.
Think about this for a minute.
All of the customers you will ever need are on social media.
They're not on your website; they're hanging out on social media.
Social Proof Pix simultaneously shows social proof AND differentiates you from your competitors because you're sharing visually appealing, engaging, and useful images.
Tip: how much more engagement do you think you would get if you put some sort of promotion, coupon or giveaway on each of your Social Proof Pix?
Speaking of engagement brings me to the FOURTH service, called ...

Service #4: 1-Star Review Revenue!
Quick story:
My friend David and his wife were on vacation in Savannah, Georgia. They loved it and wanted to extend their stay to see more of the area.
So, his wife searched for hotels. When she found one, she handed him the phone and said, "We should stay here."
The first thing David saw was a 1-star review. Because he's in marketing, like I am, his response was pretty typical: "Holy cow ...did you see this negative review?"
You know what his wife said? "Yeah, I did. But did you read the response?"
So, David read the response, which went something like this:
"We're so sorry for the problem that you had. We tried to address it directly. Our commitment is to make sure you have a great 5-star experience with our company. And so we would like you to contact us directly so we can do something special for you because of the issue that you encountered."
After his wife read that she said, "We need to stay there because if anything goes wrong or they're going to take care of it."
So, what that hotel did is they took a 1-star review and flipped it into a 5-star response.
Let that sink in for just a moment: the negative review converted because of the response. David and his wife stayed at that hotel and brought in new revenue.
Being socially responsible is key here because we're living in a Review Economy.
Your prospects are reading your reviews, and your responses to those reviews.
If you're not responding to your reviews, this is the perception they have of you:
1. you refuse to even thank your customers for leaving a 5-star review.
Or 2. you don't even care if a customer complains; you just let that review go and don't even respond to it.
So, engaging with your customers' reviews and applying our secret response formula can get your phone ringing with new business.
And on top of it all you're also getting ...
A Mystery Bonus
Worth $2,000!
I won't tell you what it is but I'll give you a hint:
It sells for $2,000 and it's about combining Reputation Marketing and Video Marketing to — you guessed it — "power position" your company in a way that no one else in your industry can touch, or has even thought about!
The more of these you have, the more authority you have in your market.
We've sold a few hundred of these and still do as part of our high ticket "Unequivocal Authority" and Inner Circle packages.
This Mystery Bonus is legitimately worth $2,000 and you simply CAN'T get it anywhere else, unless you're part of our UA Platinum group or Inner Circle.
But You Get EVERYTHING Today
For Just $20
Like I said ...there's no catch.
As soon as you order, and fill out the intake form, you get instant access to our team, our services, everything.
HOWEVER ...this offer is super-limited.
So when the timer on the page hits "zero", the page will expire. So act on this now before it goes away!
Listen - you really ARE getting all of this for just TWENTY DOLLARS.
HOWEVER ...this will EXPIRE when the timer on the page hits ZERO.
So claim this offer now!

Our "Caviar Commitment" To You
We take full responsibility for your success.
If you are dissatisfied for any reason, we will make sure to go above and beyond your expectations to make it right, or we will give you a 2x refund.
We commit to serving you in a way that no marketing company has ever served you before.
We serve caviar while everyone else is serving cheese and crackers.
If you've had any experiences with marketing agencies in the past, you're probably used to "cheese and crackers."
Experience the Rep Launch difference: try our caviar.