We Serve The Following Industries:
- Home Service Businesses (Plumbers, Contractors, Lawn Care, Landscapers, Roofers, HVAC Companies, etc.)
- Other Service Businesses (Attorneys, Towing Companies, Title Companies, Doctors, Restaurants, etc.)
SEO prices are based on these factors: online competition, city population, and how much previous SEO work you’ve had done to the site.
Those are ranked in order from greatest to least, so the more competition you have, the more it’s going to take to get you ranked ahead of them! We’ll go over all the prices for your particular niche and market during our consultation!
Our seasoned Three-Tiered Ranking process consists of a variety of ranking techniques to help improve your organic rankings and map pack rankings.
These include local citations, web 2.0, high authority links, website content, press releases, and more!
We can’t give away everything pertaining to our process online because we don’t want our competition — or your competition — figuring out our process. So we go over it more in detail on our consultation calls 😉
Absolutely! What we do is look at the best keywords people are searching on Google, and we rank your website #1, #2, and #3 for those highly searched keywords!
One of our clients is an electrician in a city of about 40,000 people, and he gets so many calls every week he can’t keep up! He has to turn jobs down because he can’t get to them all.
So SEO can be effective for any business, no matter your market city size!
We do have coaching programs and DIY courses for business owners! Schedule a consultation with us, and let us know you’re looking for a DIY Coaching Program!
For us, we prefer SEO ...and here’s why: when you stop paying for your ads, your listing goes away. But with SEO, people can find you at 2 in the afternoon or 2 in the morning.
One of our partners ran a split test from a Sunday-Thursday in June 2018 on their real estate investment website.
They found that if they wanted to equal the traffic and clicks generated from SEO, they would’ve had to spend $17,000+ on ads to do so.
I can show you real time examples of this, too. Just shoot me a message.
Essentially: SEO is MUCH cheaper in the long run!
It is ongoing. You have to keep up your SEO to make sure your competition doesn’t overtake you.
Think of SEO like working out: if you stop working out after you are able to bench press 300 pounds, you lose muscle mass & you’re not able to lift what you once were. You have to constantly do the reps and maintenance to continue to lift 300 pounds.
But SEO is not an expense. It's an asset. If you ever sell your business, you're not just selling your name and equipment. you're also selling your top rankings. The rankings are part of your brand.
SEO is also an investment. Would you pay $2,000 to get $20,000+ in exchange?
Of course.
Almost everything is covered when you hire Drew Doggett to do your SEO, Google Ads, etc.
You basically don't have to lift a finger. Just keep doing what you were doing.
Just make sure you're following up PROMPTLY with the leads and phone calls!